Driving Deep Learning and Drug Discovery with Minds.ai and Intel – Intel on AI – Episode 15

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In this Intel on AI podcast episode: Sumit Sanyal, Founder and Chief Revenue Officer at Minds.ai, joins Intel on AI to discuss the Minds.ai Netrin Molecular Property Predictor (MPP) and how Minds.ai is driving drug discovery with deep learning. He describes how the minds.ai solution enables pharmaceutical companies to replace traditional labor and time intensive wet lab tests instead using graph convolutional deep neural networks (GCNNs) to make predictions about molecules and target proteins that may be useful in medications. This is revolutionizing the drug discovery industry by accelerating and reducing the cost of molecule testing. Sumit also talks about how minds.ai has been utilizing the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) and Intel Xeon Scalable processors to help drive their incredibly fast neural network training. He highlights how using Xeon processors is incredibly efficient in comparison to graphics processing units (GPU) and expresses how helpful the Intel MKL has been for Minds.ai.

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