Keen on Politics part 3
Keen on Politics part 3; Robert Scoble goes inside Twitter; Snowballs and Fractals. Part 1 of Keen on Politics can be found here and part 2 can be found here.
For your weekend watch, here is the final part of “Keen on Politics,” the YouTube debate between Andrew Keen, Steve Gillmor, Tony Perkins, Robert Scoble, Dan Farber, Keith Teare, and Heather Harde.
Also: Robert Scoble visits Twitter, which recently received funding. Find out why so many “twitters” love this micro-blogging tool. If you can’t blog it in less than 140 characters, maybe you shouldn’t blog it at all.
James Governor talks with IBM about best practices for SOA, and something about snowballs and fractals, and how Flat World Theory is Killing the Earth.
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Connected Social Media, Keen On Politics, TechOne