Intel World Ahead: Education in Nigeria

Nigeria’s education system is one of the targets of the UN’s Millenium Development Goals. Some of those goals are to reduce infant mortality, combat AIDS, malaria & other diseases, and of course improve education worldwide. The millennium goal for education is to ensure, by 2015, that all boys and girls complete a full course of primary schooling. In Nigeria only about 6 out of 10 kids attends primary school. In the poorest bracket many children who do go to school start late in terms of their ages and end up chronically behind. Intel’s push to bring low cost laptops to school children in Nigeria is an effort to help the country meet the millenium development goals. PodTech’s Jason Lopez was in Abuja, Nigeria for Intel covering Chairman Craig Barrett’s visit and filed this podcast.
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Connected Social Media, Corporate, Intel, Intel Education and World Ahead, IntelWorldAhead