Intel’s Emerging Compute Model Forum

April 3rd, 2008 |
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There are now possibilities in enterprise computing that have the potential to solve mainstream problems and become widely adopted. These “Emerging Compute Models” are creating a lot of buzz, but also a lot of confusion in the IT community. That’s why this video podcast focuses on Intel’s Emerging Compute Model Forum. Jason Davidson, technical evangelist for the forum, says IT shops are experimenting with new ways to deliver applications and operating systems, but there’s no consensus on the best model, or models, to use.

In this podcast, Davidson and his colleagues Mike Ferron-Jones, marketing manager for Intel’s Emerging Compute Models program, and Chuck Brown, who directs the program, lay out the basic questions IT managers need to ask before choosing new compute models, discuss some of the pros and cons of different models, and preview some Intel and industry developments in the ECM space.

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Posted in: Corporate, Emerging Compute Model, InfoWorld, Intel, Intel-OpenPort