Categories: Audio Podcast, Information Technology, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, VMware Tags: Allyson Klein, Brian Johnson, Chip Chat, consolidated fabric, converged network, Ethernet, FCoE, I/O control, Intel, iSCSI, LAD, multi-tenancy, network adapter, networking, podcast, virtualization, VMware, vSphere, X520, X540
Categories: Audio Podcast, Cisco, Corporate, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: Allyson Klein, Brian Gracely, Cisco, Cloud Computing, Conversations in the Cloud, data center, enterprise data, hyperscale, Intel, networking, PaaS, Platform as a Service, server, virtualization
Categories: Audio Podcast, Big Data, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Big Data, business analytics, Chip Chat, Cloud Computing, data center, DCSG, embedded, I/O, Intel, intelligent devices, Kirk Skaugen, networking, processor, storage, Xeon
In this podcast, learn best practices for planning server virtualization and consolidation from VMware and HP experts. Ensure your virtualization project is a success with these tips on target applications, storage and networking considerations, process changes and much more. Listen [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Corporate, VMware Tags: HP, HPE, James Lomonaco, networking, Rob Smoot, storage, virtualization, VMware
Is the Internet dead? Listen in as LSI networking experts Jas Tremblay, director of Enterprise and SMB Solutions, and Mark Wilson, director of Network and Systems Applications, discuss bandwidth, traffic management, and networking technologies designed to breathe life back into [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, LSI - Listen In Tags: bandwidth, Jas Tremblay, LSI, Mark Wilson, networking, SMB Solutions, traffic management
Categories: Connected Social Media, Control4, Corporate, Enterprise 2.0, RockyMountainVoices, Technology Tags: 3Com, automated home, Bob Metcalfe, Control4, Eric Smith, networking, Rocky Mountain Voices, Smart Home, venture capitalist, ZigBee