What was Scoble up to one year ago today? Check out today’s video for a trip down memory lane.
And for more context, check out his blog, from one year ago today!
Here, you get to meet Make Magazine [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Classic ScobleShow, Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0 Tags: Dale Dougherty, Make Magazine, Maker Faire, Philip Torrone
Here, you get to meet Make Magazine Senior Editor Philip Torrone and Maker Faire Founder Dale Dougherty. They talk about what makes the Maker Faire special, and talk about their future plans — the next Maker Faire will be in [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, ScobleShow Tags: Dale Dougherty, Make Magazine, Maker Faire, Philip Torrone