In ancient Greece, potters would never have believed the vases they created – donning a vast array of inscriptions about daily life – would fetch hundreds of thousands of dollars at auction. They also would have not guessed how much [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Future Lab Radio, Intel, Intel Free Press, Intel Labs, Research@Intel Tags: Algorithms, AMPLab, Brewster Kahle, Intel Free Press, IntelFreePress, Jim Held, Machines & People, Michael Franklin, Tera-Scale Computing, Tera-scale Computing Research Program, U.C. Berkeley
Categories: Future Lab Radio, Intel, Intel Free Press, Intel Labs, Research@Intel Tags: Bono, Delay Tolerant Network, DTN, Future Lab, Intel, Intel Free Press, Intel Labs, IntelFreePress, International Space Station, ISS, Kevin Fall, Mars, NASA, Research, space communication, TCP/IP, U2, Vint Cerf
Categories: Future Lab Radio, Intel, Intel Labs, Research@Intel Tags: Bees, Colony Collapse Disorder, Computer Perception, computer vision, Honey, Honeybees, Intel, Intel Free Press, Intel Labs, IntelFreePress, Lily Mummert, Mary Purcell Miramontes, Pollen, Rahul Sakthankar, Research, Swarms, USDA
Categories: Future Lab Radio, Intel, Intel Labs, Research@Intel Tags: Carnegie Mellon University, computer vision, Future Lab, Intel, Intel Free Press, Intel Labs, IntelFreePress, Mei Chen, Phil Campbell, Research, stem cell, Stem Cell Research, stemness, Takeo Kanade
Zero energy buildings, known as ZEB and also known as zero net energy buildings, promise to have a huge impact on energy consumption globally, especially since office and commercial buildings use nearly 40% of fossil based energy in the U.S. [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Future Lab Radio, Intel, Intel Labs, Research@Intel Tags: Annabelle Pratt, electric car, energy grid, Intel, Intel Free Press, Intel Labs, IntelFreePress, Milan Milenkovic, Research, Research@Intel, ZEB, zero net energy building
What is possible if we could greatly reduce the bottlenecks in the transfer of data? Electrons and copper wire have taken us far, but only so far. What lies beyond is light speed. Silicon photonics is the transmission of data [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Future Lab Radio, Intel, Intel Labs, Research@Intel Tags: fiber, innovation, Intel, Intel Free Press, Intel Labs, IntelFreePress, Mario Paniccia, optical communications, Research, Research@Intel, Silicon photonics, Silicon Photonics Lab