Control4 CTO, Eric Smith, on home automation for the masses
Control4 Co-Founder and CTO Eric Smith speaks with Dennis Wood about how Control4 is bringing home automation to the masses. Smith is a member of vSpring‘s v100 – a peer-nominated group of the top 100 venture entrepreneurs in the Rocky Mountain region.
Control4 manufactures a complete line of home automation products that makes sophisticated home automation solutions practical and affordable for new and existing homes. Control4’s solutions integrate home theater, music, lighting, temperature controls and home security.
Prior to co-founding Control4, Eric co-founded STSN (now iBAHN), the worldwide leader in broadband services for business travelers. Eric developed the intellectual property that made it possible to simplify Internet protocols and offer fast, convenient broadband service to travelers staying in more than 175,000 hotel rooms in 200 cities around the world. Prior to STSN, Eric also co-founded PHAST Corporation, which quickly became the leading contender in the residential control systems market.
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Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, Entrepreneurship with John Furrier, RockyMountainVoices, Technology