Classic Scoble : Microblogging comes of age with Jaiku
July 5th, 2008 |
Robert Scoble

What was Scoble up to one year ago today? Check out today’s video for a trip down memory lane.
And for more context, check out his blog, from one year ago today!
Jaiku is one of a new breed of microblogging tools. Twitter and Pownce are the other two (we’ll try to visit them in the future), but Jaiku was the first to bring us threaded discussions and a Facebook app that works. Plus, Leo Laporte loves it, so lots of people have joined it. Here Jyri Engeström and Petteri Koponen, co-founders of Jaiku, give us a tour and tell us what’s up with Jaiku and where it’s going.
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Classic ScobleShow, Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0