Lease Your Lamposts AND Get Free WiFi

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MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., August 17, 2006 (PodTech News) — Lease your lampposts for $39 a pop, and get a free WiFi network that serves the entire city? No wonder the Google WiFi proposal got a standing ovation and passage in a single meeting of Mountain View’s city council. PodTech’s Catherine Girardeau sat down with City Manager Kevin Duggan and Economic Development Manager Ellis Burns. They spoke Wednesday afternoon at Mountain View City Hall about working with Google to get their town unwired.

REPORTER’S NOTES: WiFi and Privacy

Last night, as I signed on to my Google account to use Mountain View’s new Google WiFi network, it didn’t really occur to me that I was ignoring the advice of my Tuesday interviewee, Seth Schoen of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, about how to safeguard my search privacy. As I drove home, though, I heard a nagging voice in my head, “Don’t log into your web browser.” I put 2.0 and 2.0 together and realized if there is a catch to Mountain View’s gift horse, maybe this is it. (Sigh) I think I’ll just sit back, relax, and repeat the words, so they can hear me over at Googleplex, Don’t be evil. One more thing: The final story in our series on Google WiFi, an interview with Tropos Networks‘ Ellen Kirk, will be on the site tomorrow.

– Catherine Girardeau

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