Notebooks In the Daytime, TVs at Night, For Now

It’s become old hat to suggest that the world of media is changing faster than the old media companies, and that the computer and tech world — long accustomed to turning sharp corners quickly — has the advantage of momentum in the new, post-YouTube climate. However, the opportunity for software developers around the globe is enormous, says Intel’s Sean Maloney. And what about for Intel? I mentioned to Maloney that I think of the PC as the new TV, at least during the day. If that holds true, the prospects for companies like his — and others — are also pretty good.
By the way, it’s tough to get a hold of Sean, because he’s a pretty busy guy. (his titles: executive vice president, general manager of the sales marketing group, and chief sales and marketing officer for Intel. And it’s the week before CES….). His schedule makes getting him for a sit-down interview a big challenge. I caught him in the hallway, and the simple fact of having a camera in my pocket made this podcast possible. The quality is fine for the content, and it’s not all that long ago that this wouldn’t have been possible.
Host: John Furrier – PodTech
Guest: Sean Maloney – Intel
John Furrier – PodTech
We’re here with Sean Maloney, the Chief Sales and Marketing Officer of Intel. In the hallway right next to the elevator, we just did a 15-16 minutes podcast about all the cool stuff that’s going at CES. We’re talking about, before, the podcast about HD. Tell us what’s going on in you mind, in your view about the whole HD phenomenon and video and all that good stuff.
Sean Maloney – Intel
I think what we’re doing here is typical of what I think is going to be a big breakthrough. If you think about the history of video and computers, the first video came out in the early 90s, kind of, on a tiny little postage stamp pictures; probably 50 years after video came on to TVs. You think about the DVD, and DVDs came out first of all with that kind of content played on TVs and then caught up later on notebooks and desktops. Now, what you’re seeing is HD quality through devices like this.
They’re going to reach probably the mass market even faster than HD or Blu-ray because of the viral and explosive growth that you’ve on video on the Internet now. So, I think for the first time, user-generated content is going to be at the same or higher quality than professional content and put the production standards off to one side, but just the image quality you’re going to see an explosion of beautiful image quality through devices like this and that will had a profound impact not just on hardware, not just on PCs, but on the whole of the electronics industry.
John Furrier – PodTech
But, hell, we’re in the hallway here at Intel. You’re a tough guy to get a hold of, you’ve got a busy schedule. I got my handheld, I pulled it out of my pocket, we are dong a quick interview, that’s phenomenal; but we’ve talked also about the opportunities, you’ve talked about software. Talk about to the people out there developing, entrepreneurs, software developers, hardware developers, people who’re innovating; what do you see happening with this new phenomenon, user-generated video, the new platform, the network, the Internet mobility, what are their opportunities as entrepreneurs?
Sean Maloney – Intel
Oh! I think that over the next two-to-three years you could imagine a world where almost everybody above a certain income level is going to have high-def cameras. Everybody will have notebook devices, and the global opportunity and I mean global opportunity there for software developers is very significant. I’d be weary about doing stuff that isn’t thinking globally because as you know all of these trends in the computer industry all set globally.
John Furrier – PodTech
Talk about TV, Daytime TV. The notebooks now replacing Daytime TV for people at work and a mobile environment is IPTV is going to be here sooner than later and we’re doing video now. What’s your view on that?
Sean Maloney – Intel
John, you might have comment earlier wrong that the PC is the new TV during the day. I think that’s a profound comment and it’s true. The issue is going to be how much can that spread out into the evening, and the rate of change of the Internet now is much, much faster than the rate of change in conventional media and one year on the Internet is equivalent to ten years in conventional media. Even with the conventional media industry guys waking up to that over the last 12 year. They are still chasing a moving target. So, I’d bet on the new entrant.
John Furrier – PodTech
The media business is not used to moving as fast as the computer business, as you’ve just mentioned. Talk about — as the head of the Intel Sales and Marketing and their products. What’s going to happen this year for the whole of 2007?
Sean Maloney – Intel
Well, from a marketing point-of-view, if we want to get messages across the people, we use the full blend of media. We’re still using TV to get an emotional connection to people. If you want to get an emotional connection, globally TV is probably still the way to go. At some point in the next three years — that may well become unraveled, in which case there is going to be a further move of ad dollars over to the PC. I think that will depend on how quickly the TV industry responds to this.
John Furrier – PodTech
Sean Maloney here in the hallway at Intel, (Inaudible) have to get some guys over there (Inaudible) Ken, and Darrel for the PodTech at the elevators. And where is Paul Otellini, can we go up into his office? Sean thanks so much for the video.
Sean Maloney – Intel
Thanks John.
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CES BlogHaus 2008, CES Las Vegas - Consumer Electronics Show, Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, Entrepreneurship with John Furrier, Intel, Intel CES, Intel Core 2 Duo, Technology