rENIAC Facilitates Data-Demanding Applications with Intel FPGAs – Intel Chip Chat – Episode 656

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In this Intel Chip Chat audio podcast with Allyson Klein: Prasanna Sundararajan, founder and CEO for rENIAC, Inc., joins Chip Chat to talk about using Intel FPGAs to accelerate demanding data-centric applications. rENIAC’s solutions leverage Intel FPGAs to help customers surmount the unprecedented challenges presented by new data opportunities. Its Data Engine solution provides an intermediary layer between Apache Cassandra clients and database nodes, bringing storage closer to the network through intelligent caching and accelerating transactional and AI applications. In this interview, Sundararajan discusses his and rENIAC’s work, the bottlenecks that rENIAC and its customers have encountered when using NoSQL databases like Apache Cassandra, and how rENIAC data engine, Intel FPGAs, and Intel Optane SSDs are helping customers eliminate these bottlenecks.

To learn more about rENIAC, please visit:

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