Intel Science Talent Search: Alternative Energy

March 6th, 2008 |
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The Intel Science Talent Search culminates in Washington, D.C. this weekend. The high school science projects cover areas like engineering, math, physics, medicine and health, environmental science, zoology, and others. The research these students have engaged in is astonishing. Many projects will result in innovations, inventions, new treatments, and further research as students move on to college and into careers. Forty finalists from high schools around the U.S. will attend the 6-day event where as ten winners will be announced. In this podcast, PodTech’s Jason Lopez talks with two entrants who’ve developed new energy technologies, one which harnesses the electrical energy of microbes.

See Society for Science and the Public for more.

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Posted in: Corporate, Healthcare, Intel, Intel Education and World Ahead, IntelEducation, IntelSTS