Mercato: Funding Marketing and Sales

September 20th, 2007 |
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Greg Warnock has a soft spot for entrepreneurs. Whether it’s through mentoring, work deals at vSpring Capital, or angel investing, Warnock has seen a lot of companies. He’s also learned that it takes more than good technology and a strong development team to succeed.

Trained as a computer scientist, Warnock recognized his bias for technology and unique IP — and he still does. However, after watching startups move from development stage to marketing and sales launch, Warnock has a new perspective on the challenge of emerging as a serious contender. So much so that Warnock and Alan Hall have raised a new fund, Mercato Partners, that is focused on funding marketing and sales efforts.

Warnock introduces Mercato Partners to Brad Baldwin and describes the focus for the fund.

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Posted in: Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, RockyMountainVoices