The Marriage of Web 2.0 and Enterprise Content Management

September 29th, 2008 |
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Today’s Knowledge Worker frequently has a whole new set of expectations for how to collaborate and use content as part of their daily jobs, thanks to ever-increasing usage of new Web 2.0 technologies, such as wikis, social networking sites, and blogs. Incorporating Web 2.0 tools into the way business people work and access information only goes part of the way when it comes to facilitating efficiency improvements in an organization. Companies also have to consider how all that new information is managed as part of their overall content management strategy. In this EMC technology innovation episode, Lance Shaw, group product marketing manager, Knowledge Worker Applications at EMC, addresses the urgent need for organizations to marry an approachable, modern, Web 2.0 interface with the compliant content management infrastructure required to safely manage intellectual property. Please visit EMC for more information and a whitepaper.

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Posted in: Corporate, EMC Corporation