Intel unveils online IT community IT@Intel

The first company to deploy Centrino Pro on a large scale was the company that created Centrino Pro. “We’re some of the first testers of technology,” says Laurie Buczek, Intel’s Global Web Program Manager. Intel’s own IT people learned how to integrate Intel technology. How much is that knowledge worth? Buczek says it’s valuable to Intel to share that knowledge in a social media format where ideas and questions go uncensored, and content is largely made by bloggers and commenters outside of the company. “That is the only that you can truly learn and be innovative in creating products and technologies that are going to address real world issues out there. We have to be close to our customer base and the community allows us to do that,” she asserts. On this PodTech podcast Buczek speaks about the the new online community, and three of Intel’s security pros — who will particpate in upcoming conversations — give a taste of the personality of IT@Intel.
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Connected Social Media, Corporate, Information Technology, InfoWorld, Intel, Intel IT, Intel-OpenPort, IT@Intel