IDC’s Kitty Fok: Part 2 – In the Wake of COVID-19, Opportunities for ICT in China

May 15th, 2020 |
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For decades “Made in China” has generally meant, to the Western world at least, mass produced cheap goods. But the strategic plan “Made in China 2025” established by Premier Li Qekiang aims to move the country into making high value, high tech products in fields like robotics and automation, computer chips, aerospace and biomedical research. And that has meant an investment in things like the Internet of Things, AI and cloud. It just so happens that when the coronavirus pandemic broke out, China’s high-tech resources, like its current cloud capabilities, were quickly reoriented to fighting the spread of the disease. This is the second part of a conversation with Kitty Fok, Managing Director of IDC, China, who recently authored the report, “Impact of COVID-19 on China’s Economy and ICT Market.”

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