Intel IT Business Review: Building stronger bridges between users and IT

February 14th, 2014 |
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IT Best Practices: Teamwork starts with listening. Listening leads to understanding. Understanding fosters alignment and informed activity.

What sounds so simple and so fundamental isn’t always the norm. Often overwhelmed with new service requests, systems administration, infrastructure optimization, and problem resolution, IT organizations sometimes overlook the users they serve.

“End users are our customers,” says Faith McCreary, user research team lead for Intel IT. “It’s critical that we listen to them to understand what they find useful and important. And then we must turn their feedback into action and improvement.”

Intel IT started building stronger bridges between its user community and its IT strategy with the creation of a central user experience function in 2005. Recent years have brought a variety of peo- ple-centric innovations to Intel IT including an annual Voice of the User (VoU) survey that helps assess employee preferences and satisfaction and a Partnership Excellence (PE) interview that facilitates discussion and collaboration between Intel’s senior business and IT leaders.

“Our task,” says Mac Agan, director in the CIO Strategy Office, “is to listen, discuss, and commit to act.”

Read more in the PDF article by Ed Goldman,
Intel IT CTO

For more information on Intel IT Best Practices, please visit

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