Green Data Centers: Strategies and Tactics for Going Green

July 9th, 2007 |
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Join BearingPoint technologist and managing director Daryouche Behboudi in this podcast to explore the growing need to go green, starting with data centers. Examining short, medium and long-term tactics and strategies, some as simple as adjusting lighting and sensors, Daryouche explores why we need green data centers – the environmental impact and how Congress is helping to fuel this effort nationally.

One of the reasons ‘going green’ is brought to the forefront is a first-time study done in 2006, that showed how much electricity data centers in the U.S. are consuming. This study has prompted lots of companies to examine their data center operations and see if they can make them green by making them more energy efficient, including the disposal of old servers.

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Posted in: BearingPoint, Clean Tech, Connected Social Media, Corporate, Enterprise 2.0