The Next Generation Central Office (NGCO) – Intel Chip Chat Network Insights – Episode 152

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Intel Chip Chat – Network Insights audio podcast with Allyson Klein: Brian Aherne, Director Communications Infrastructure & General Manager for Intel Shannon, discusses how the next generation central office (NGCO) is driving fundamental change in the way carriers plan, deploy and manage their infrastructure. As network central offices experience a major transformation – learn how the trend towards virtualization of services interplays with the aggregation of central offices. As network functions come together in the central office, learn about the critical requirements which will ensure the underlying infrastructure can support the range of network functions securely while providing performance stability. Brian describes the interest generated from operators visiting Intel’s demo at Mobile World Congress, and the input they are providing about additional capabilities that will continue to grow and expand the Next Generation Central Office.

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Posted in: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Chip Chat: Network Insights