NFVI Acceleration – Intel Chip Chat: Network Insights – Episode 125

October 27th, 2017 |
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Intel Chip Chat – Network Insights audio podcast with Allyson Klein: Lynn Comp, General Manager, Network Cloud and Industry Enabling at Intel examines the state of network transformation, 5G, edge computing and the important role SDN and NFV play in automation efforts, in this archive of a livecast from SDN & NFV World Congress in The Hague. Comp discusses industry developments to create characterization and benchmark frameworks to further accelerate NFVI and VNF deployments including Intel Select Solutions for NFVI and the Intel Select Fast Track Kit. She also announced the integration of Network Service Benchmarking (NSB) in the OPNFV Euphrates release.

To learn more, visit:

Connect with Lynn on:
Twitter @comp_lynn

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Posted in: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Chip Chat: Network Insights